NBCOT Certification Examination New Graduate Pass Rate

3 Most Recent Calendar Years 2021-2023

NBCOT Pass Rate2021202220233-year Total/Average 
Number of New Graduate Test-Takers*412931101
Number of New Graduates who passed the exam40253095
Percentage of new graduates who passed98%86%97%94%

*New Graduate test takers are those who take the exam within one year of degree conferral and include taking tests in the calendar year following degree conferral. For example, a student having their degree conferred on August 31, 2023, has until August 31, 2024, to take and pass the exam as a New Graduate.

Data is provided by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT), which administers this national examination. Data can be found on the NBCOT website at: https://www.nbcot.org/Educators-Folder/SchoolPerformance

Program Graduation Rate (as of 6/2024)

Graduation Year2021202220233-Year Total/Average
# of students who entered the program (per anticipated graduation year)
# of graduates within the published length of the program (on-time graduation)
# of graduates within the maximum allowable length of time
# of students in the process of completing requirements within the maximum allowable length of time
“On-Time” Graduation Rate73%76.5%83%77%
Ultimate Graduation Rate85%88%89.7%87.5%

* – 3 students unable to sustain academic standards; 2 withdrew for personal reasons; 2 delayed for academic performance; 2 delayed for personal LOA
** – 3 students withdrew for personal reasons; 1 unable to sustain academic standards; 2 delayed for academic performance; 2 delayed for personal LOA
*** – 2 students withdrew for personal reasons/change of career path; 1 unable to sustain academic standards; 1 delayed for academic performance; 1 delayed for personal reasons/LOA – graduated January 2024