Welcome Back, DU Alumni!

We’re thrilled to offer you a special opportunity to take your career to the next level. As a valued member of our alumni community, you’re eligible for a 25% tuition discount on our graduate programs in Education, Business, and Communication.

Cheerful students working on project in library

Fuel Your Passion with Advanced Studies

  • Master of Science in Education (MS.Ed): Deepen your knowledge and refine your teaching skills  or change your career to make a lasting impact on students of all ages.
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA): Gain the leadership and strategic expertise to excel in today’s dynamic business environment.
  • Master of Science in Organizational Leadership & Communication (MSOLC – Online): Enhance your communication and leadership skills to navigate complex organizational challenges, offered entirely online for ultimate flexibility.

Why Choose Us for Your Graduate Studies?

  • Rigorous Academics: Learn from renowned faculty and engage in a stimulating learning environment.
  • Real-World Application: Gain practical skills and knowledge directly applicable to your professional goals.
  • Flexible Programs: Choose from on-campus, online, and hybrid program options to fit your busy schedule.
  • Vibrant Alumni Network: Reconnect with fellow alumni and expand your professional network.

Janet Barron

Assistant Director for Graduate Admissions

Office: 845-848-7908

Work Cell: 845-587-1284

We look forward to welcoming you back to Dominican University New York!