Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus and Rockland County Executive Ed Day (shown here during a 2018 forum) both took part in the 2021 County Executive Forum via Zoom.
After facing enormous leadership challenges over the past year because of COVID, regional leaders said they finally see the light at the end of the tunnel during the annual County Executive Forum on June 2, 2021. The forum was held via Zoom and featured Rockland County Executive Ed Day and Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus. Both Neuhaus and Day were very upbeat with COVID cases down, vaccinations rising, the economy bouncing back, and a strong housing market.
Day said Rockland is looking beyond clinics to increase vaccinations, “The challenge now is to get ourselves out to communities to make sure that we get vaccinations to as many people as possible in whatever way is feasible.”
The County Executive Forum is a long-standing tradition of the Palisades Institute and has been held annually since 2005.