GEC Course-Level Assessment

Please complete questions 1 through 9 on the form below after a significant assignment focusing on the GEC-specific goals and outcomes of your GEC course.

Questions? Please contact the GEC committee at

  • e.g., Major Paper, Exam, Presentation, Exam Essay Question
  • Include in this section the descriptive information provided to the students (e.g., an essay question with accompanying instructions), along with any additional information that you think might be needed to understand the demands of the assignment/activity.
  • 6. Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

    Indicate the GEC-objectives the assignment described in #4 was designed to assess. The specific learning objectives or goals associated with each component of the GEC are articulated in the GEC handbook.

    Goals: The student will have the ability to ...
  • 7. Performance Rating Scale and Results:

    Focusing exclusively on the student performance related to the goals identified above and the GEC-specific aspect of the assignment or activity (and not on factors like whether the assignment was turned in on time or how well the student did on other parts of an exam, etc.), complete the table according to the performance rating scale information by entering the number of students performing at each level.

    Indicate the number of students performing at each level:
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 99.
    UNACCEPTABLE is characterized by: inadequate knowledge of subject matter; evidence of inadequate levels of comprehension and achievement in recounting and explaining the basic principles and concepts being studied. Not adequately or completely fulfilling the assignment.
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 99.
    MINIMAL is characterized by: minimal knowledge of subject matter; evidence of limited comprehension and achievement in recounting and explaining the principles and concepts under study; weak or inconsistent command of communication tools. Assignment is basically completed, but shows weaknesses.
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 99.
    SATISFACTORY-ADEQUATE is characterized by: sufficient knowledge of the subject matter; evidence of adequate achievement in making associations and applications and in recounting and explaining the principles and concepts being studied; adequate ability to use acceptable forms and vocabulary consistently and to communicate clearly. Assignment is satisfactorily completed.
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 99.
    SUPERIOR is characterized by: better than adequate knowledge of the subject matter; evidence of perceiving relationships and of integrating new knowledge with prior and concomitant learning to a significant degree; insight and inquiry into the principles and concepts being studied; ability to organize and express ideas and knowledge. Assignment is completed in a superior manner.
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 99.
    EXCELLENT is characterized by: mastery of the subject matter; facility in use of critical thinking; analysis, synthesis, and independent judgment; creative response for application of the principles and concepts being studied; consistent command of communication tools; articulateness regarding the subject matter related to the assignment. Completed assignment is an example of excellence.
  • Briefly, why do you think students performed as they did in this class? What might be done to improve their performance?
  • Please share with the GEC committee your comments about this process, how it impacted your course and grading, your observations and "tips" for future users of this assessment method.
  • To receive a copy of this form, please supply your email address.