Former Kaplen Scholar Carolyn Monroe, ’02, spoke at the Scholarship Recognition Dinner on October 19.
The top students at Dominican College were honored during the Scholarship Recognition Dinner on Wednesday, October 19, 2016. This year, 87 scholarships were awarded to 83 students. Among the students honored was freshman Rebecca Birmingham, who received a BLISS scholarship for academically-talented students studying biology.
Rebecca said she is pleased that she decided to attend Dominican College. “I feel like I fit right in,“ she said. “Everybody is so welcoming and the staff is so accommodating, especially for freshman.” Rebecca had a 1720 SAT score and a 3.7 GPA at John Burke High School.
Former Kaplen scholar Carolyn Monroe, ’02, who graduated with a B.S. in Nursing, addressed the scholars. “It’s not just getting the scholarship and what you do with it, it’s keeping your connection with Dominican and knowing that they are always there for you.” Monroe received the Badami Outstanding Alumni Award in 2011 and is included in the top 100 Alumni of Distinction.
The Scholarship Recognition Dinner is held every year, not only to honor the scholarship recipients and their families, but also to thank the generous benefactors who make the scholarships possible.