Regeneron scientists gave students career advice on Zoom as part of the Regeneron Day for Doing Good.
Scientists who work at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. shared their educational background and career paths with Dominican College biology students during a Zoom panel discussion on Monday, October 26, 2020.
The advice from Lyndon Mitnaul, Ph.D., Senior Director, Research Program Management at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., was to be exposed to a lot of different careers so the students could find where they would “fit” best. Mitnaul told the students he had a “take-home lesson” for them. “Make your future where you can make a difference. I think that’s really the take-home,” he said. “There’s a lot of opportunity where you can play a role if you are interested in drug discovery and development. You just need to find out where you can make that difference.”
The panel discussions with students are part of Regeneron’s Day for Doing Good project where Regeneron employees volunteer in the local community. Volunteer New York! and the Dominican College Career Development Center coordinated the event.