Sr. Barbara McEneany and Sr. Bernadette Burke accepted a certificate from County Executive Ed Day and the New York Blood Center at the Rockland County Blood Donor Appreciation Breakfast.
Dominican College was honored on June 14, 2017, at the Rockland County Blood Donor Appreciation Breakfast for being the top college in blood donations in the County for 2016. For the past 28 years, Sr. Barbara McEneany has organized two blood drives a year at the College.
“This is an important mission for me because I have known people who would have died unless they received blood at critical times in their lives,” said Sr. Barbara. “ I believe that students are more and more seeing the need to donate blood as a necessary part of their schedule. When sign-up time comes around to recruit pledges for the fall and spring blood drives, students are for the most part eager to give the gift of life. “
Sr. Barbara and Sr. Bernadette Burke accepted the certificate from County Executive Ed Day and the New York Blood Center during the ceremony at the Fire Training Center in Pomona. Sr. Bernadette is a “gallon donor” — regularly donating blood four times a year.