Coordinator of the Communication Studies Program AnnMarie DiSiena, Ed.D., received the 2016 Academic Dean’s Award for Faculty Service on Wednesday, May 18, 2016, during the annual Service Award Ceremony in the Granito Center.
In presenting the award, Academic Dean Thomas Nowak said students have described Dr. DiSiena’s teaching style as engaging, entertaining, and wonderfully stimulating. “On our evaluation forms, her courses are consistently rated excellent, averaging an extremely high 3.85 out of 4. Students praise her for providing them with skills that are very helpful for future jobs and real life,” he said.
Outside of the classroom, Dr. DiSiena also has many administrative responsibilities. In addition to heading up the Communication Studies Program, she oversees special sessions – weekend and online courses. During the ceremony, it was announced that Dr. DiSiena is being promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor.