Dominican University has been recognized for its commitment to helping undergraduate students learn, grow, and succeed by Colleges of Distinction, a unique guide for college-bound students. Dominican University has been named a 2022-2023 College of Distinction, a New York College of Distinction, and a Catholic College of Distinction.
Colleges of Distinction selection process is comprised of thorough research and detailed interviews with the schools. Schools that are named a College of Distinction must demonstrate that they have engaged students, great teaching, a vibrant community, and successful outcomes.
“When we focus all of our attention on how schools stack up against one another, we lose track of what really matters: the students themselves,” said Wes Creel, Founder of Colleges of Distinction. “Every student has individual needs and their own environment in which they’re most likely to thrive. We want to extend our praise to the schools that prioritize and cater to students’ goals.”
Dominican University earned additional recognition for its nursing, education, and business programs. “We’re looking for such qualities as accreditation, breadth of program, advising and mentoring, integration of career services, and successful outcomes for students,” said Tyson Schritter, Chief Operating Officer for Colleges of Distinction.
Since 2000, Colleges of Distinction has been committed to honoring schools throughout the U.S. for excellence in higher education. The member schools within the Colleges of Distinction consortium distinguish themselves through their dedicated focus on the undergraduate experience.