Office: (845) 848-7615
Ayse Ozcan Edeer
Professor of Physical TherapyB.S., Hacettepe University School of P.T. and Rehab (Turkey)
M.S., Institute of Health and Sciences Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Ph.D., Institute of Health and Sciences Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Dr. Ayse Edeer has been a full-time faculty member in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program since 2012. With over 30 years of experience in providing physical therapy to adults and the elderly with a range of orthopedic conditions, she has also served as a faculty member in both Turkey and the USA. Dr. Edeer has contributed to peer-reviewed journals and has presented at numerous national and international scientific conferences. Her primary research interests include the management of shoulder pathologies, fall prevention in the geriatric population, and exercise interventions for various conditions. She teaches PT 639 Research I, PT 789 Research II, and PT 889 Research III. Additionally, she serves as the Research Coordinator and Chair of the Assessment Committee for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and is a member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Dominican University New York. Dr. Edeer is also a reviewer for several journals, including Disability and Rehabilitation, ISRN Rehabilitation Journal, Gulhane Medical Journal, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, and Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, and a rater for MORE Rehab.
Peer Review Publications
- Skyla Stifter, Jessie McCaffrey, Tyler Nichols, Ayse Ozcan Edeer, Justine Ward. Effect of external and internal cues on core muscle activation during the Sahrmann five-level core stability test. World J Methodol 2025; 15(1): 92943 [DOI: 10.5662/wjm.v15.i1.92943]
- Payal Sahni, Ayse Ozcan Edeer, Robert Lindsay. Pregnancy and Lactation Associated Osteoporosis & Vertebral Fractures: A Case Report. Journal of Hospital Special Surgeries, DOI: 10.1177/15563316231167148, May 2023.
- Karl Rusch, Elizabeth Oakley, Emil Euparadorn, Ayse Ozcan Edeer. Real-Time Ultrasound Imaging of Lower Lumbar Interspinous Spaces Following a Passive Intervertebral Movement Technique. American Journal of Diagnostic Imaging. 2022; 8(3): 49-56.
- Ayse Ozcan Edeer and Nadia Rust. Effectiveness of Interprofessional Education Modules on Cultural Competency of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Students. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practices. Vol. 20, No.2, 2022.
- Sarah Wilmot, Jessica Velez, Amanda Alfonso, Ayse Ozcan Edeer. The Effect of Sensory Stimulation Versus Motor Control Cueing of the Foot on Balance in Elderly Females: Single Group Pretest-Posttest Study. Advances in Aging Research, Vol.8 No.6, November 2019.
- Michael Habersaat, Brittany Doyle, Anthony Figueroa, Ayse Ozcan Edeer. Comparing two self-hip mobilizations on range of motion and jumpy height in healthy adults. Journal of Bone and Muscle, 1(1):1-5, 2018.
- Ayse Ozcan Edeer, Karl Rusch. The Influence of Height-Adjustable Standing Desks On Computer-Related Musculoskeletal Complaints And Student Perspective In Physical Therapist Education Program Students. International Journal of Current Research, 10(03):66339-66345, 2018.
- Stefan Paul, Kellie Carpenter, Ilona Komet, Ayse Ozcan Edeer. Volitional Hamstring Force Production During Closed Kinetic Chain Lower Extremity Exercise In Supine Position: A Randomized Controlled Trial. MOJ Yoga & Physical Therapy – November 24, 2017.
- Minsun Hong, Ngozi Onyema, Ayse Ozcan Edeer, Valerie Olson. In community dwelling females age 65 or older, gait speed declines as kinesthetic awareness of the lower legs decreases. Advances in Aging Research, Vol.6 No.1 2017.
- Danielle T. Freund, Allison M. Liccardo, Alanna M. Rooney, Ayse Ozcan Edeer, Valerie Dong Olson. The Effects of Static Versus Dynamic Stretching on Average Power in The Young-Adult Athletic Population. MOJ Yoga & Physical Therapy – November 21, 2016.
- Kelly M, Jacobs D, Wooten ME, Ozcan Edeer A. Comparison of electromyographic activities of lumbar iliocostalis, and lumbar multifidus muscles during stabilization exercises in prone, quadruped, and sitting positions. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol 28 (2016) No 10, October, p: 2950-2954.
- Kelly M, Finley M, Lichtman S, Hyland M, Ozcan Edeer A. A Comparative Analysis of High Velocity versus Low Velocity Exercise on Outcomes Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Clinical Trial, J Geriatr Phys Ther 2015, October/December 2016, 39(4): 147-158.
- Brown A, Alfieri V, Fazulak D, Ozcan Edeer A, Olson V. The Immediate Effects of Two Different Stretching Interventions on Passive Shoulder Internal Rotation in Collegiate Baseball Players, Journal of Student Physical Therapy, 2015, Vol. 8, number 5, article 1.
- Tuna Donat H., Yesilyaprak Subasi S., Acar S., Ozcan Edeer A. Factors affecting the benefit of a six-month supervised exercise program on community-dwelling older adults: interactions among age, gender, and participations. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27: 1421-1427, 2015.
- Donat Tuna H, Ozcan Edeer A, Malkoc M, Aksakoglu G. Effect of age and physical activity level on functional fitness in older adults. European Review Aging and Physical Activity 6(2):99-106, 2009.
- Ustunkaya O, Ozcan Edeer A, Donat H, Yozbatiran N. Shoulder pain, functional capacity and quality of life in professional wheelchair basketball players and non-athlete wheelchair users. The Pain Clinic 19(2):71-76(6), 2007.
- Donat H, Ozcan A. Comparison of the effectiveness of two programs in older adults at risk of falling: unsupervised home exercise and supervised group exercise. Clinical Rehabilitation. Mar;21(3):273-83, 2007.
- Ozcan A, Subasi SS, Yemez B, Celiker O. “The relationship of pressure-pain threshold with alexithymia in healthy young subjects” J Musculoskeletal Pain, 13(3):27-32, 2005.
- Ozcan A , Donat H, Gelecek N, Ozdirenc M, Karadibak D. “The relationship between risk factors for falling and the quality of life in older adults” BMC Public Health, 5(90), 2005.
- Ozcan A., Ozdirenç.M., Akın F. “Light touch and pain sensation differences between dominant and non-dominant hands of healthy subjects” J British Hand Therapy, 10 (3/4):76-79, 2005.
- Ceran F., Ozcan A. “The relationship of functional rating index with disability, pain and quality of life in patients with low back pain” Medical Science Monitor, 2006 Oct;12(10):CR435-9. Epub 2006.
- Başkurt Z., Başkurt F., Ozcan A., Yılmaz O. “The immediate effects of heat and TENS on pressure pain threshold and pain intensity of patients with stage shoulder impingement syndrome” The Pain Clinic, 18(1):81-85, 2006.
- Donat H., Ozcan A., Özdirenç M., Aksakoğlu G., Aydınoğlu S. “Age-related changes in pressure pain threshold, grip strength and touch pressure threshold in upper extremity of elderly people” Aging Clinical Experimental Research, 17(5):380-384, 2005.
- Özdirenç M, Ozcan A., Akın F., Gelecek N. “Physical fitness in rural compared with urban children in Turkey” J Pediatrics International 47(1):26-31, 2005.
- Salik Y, Ozcan A. “Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: A survey of physical therapists in Izmir, Turkey” BMC Muskuloskeletal Disorders, 5(7), 2004.
- Ozcan A., Tulum Z., Pınar L., Başkurt F. “Comparison of pressure pain threshold, grip strength, dexterity and touch pressure of dominant and non-dominant hands within and between right-hand and left-hand subjects” J Korean Medical Science, 19(6):874-8, 2004.
- Teoman N., Ozcan A., Acar B. “The effect of exercise on physical fitness and quality of life in postmenopausal women” Maturitas, 47:71-77, 2004.
- Ozcan A., Tulum Z., Bacakoğlu K., “The relationship between quality of life and functional status measurements in shoulder impingement syndrome” Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica, 37(3):219-225, 2003.
- U. Demiroren, A. Ozcan, M. Ozfidan, O. Celiker Tosun, AI. Inan, “The relation of pain in patients with cervical arthrosis with sensory, flexibility and functional conditions” The Pain Clinic, 15(4):369-372, 2003.
- Ozdirenç M., Biberoğlu S., A. Ozcan, “Evaluation of physical fitness in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus” Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 60:171-176, 2003.
- Başkurt F, A. Ozcan, Türeyen C., “The comparison of effects of phonophoresis and iontophoresis of naproxen in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis” Clinical Rehabilitation, 17(1):96-100, 2003.
- Ozcan A. Genç A., Türeyen C., Ekin A. “Comparison of effects of interferential current, laser and piroxicam phonophoresis for the treatment of impingement syndrome of shoulder”, Journal of Turkish Hand and Microsurgery, No: 8-9, 2002.
Book Chapters
- Ozcan, A., C. Türeyen: “Rehabilitation of Peripheral Vascular Disease”, Applied Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, (in Turkish) C. TÜREYEN, 2. Edition, Izmir, 1997.
- Edeer, Ozcan A, Tuna H. “Management of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in the Elderly: Dilemmas and Remedies” Pain in Perspective, (in English) ISBN: 978-953-51-0807-8, INTECH , 2013.
- Ozcan Edeer, A, Rust N. Diversity and Inclusion with Community Oriented Practice. Interprofessional Perspectives and Community-Oriented Practice: Promoting Health, Well-being and Quality of Life, Slack, ISBN: 978-1-63822-057-2, 2024.
- The use of electroencephalography (EEG) unit as a rehabilitation assessment and treatment tool in physical therapy education and research” $5000, Dominican College Excellence in Teaching Mini Grant, Project manager, 2022.
- The effectiveness of collaborative interprofessional instructions on cultural competency of physical therapy and occupational therapy students. $1000, Dominican College Excellence in Teaching Mini Grant, Project co-manager, 2021.
- The effect of scapular repositioning on scapular stabilizer muscle activation and shoulder elevation in individuals with and without shoulder impingement syndrome. Electrogoniometer, $5000, JagOne Physical Therapy, Project Manager, 2020.
- Enhancing kinesthetic and active student learning on the effect of blood flow restriction in Doctor of Physical Therapy Education. $500, Dominican College, Center for Instructional Excellence Mini grant, Project Manager, 2019.
- Assessment of shoulder muscles during different strengthening exercises in healthy college athletes: A cross-sectional study with the real time ultrasound, $5000, Dominican College, Cathy Kenny Mini-Grant, Project Manager, 2018.
- “The influence of height-adjustable standing desks on computer-related musculoskeletal complaints in male and female college students: A pilot study”, $5000, Dominican College, Excellence in Teaching Grant, Project Manager, 2017.
- The usage of an online education tool on 1) interdisciplinary clinical decision making and 2) preparation of physical therapy licensure exam, $5000, Dominican College, Cathy Kenny Mini-Grant, Project Manager, 2016.
- The assessment of the dynamic balance in older adults to decrease the fall risk, $5000, Dominican College, Cathy Kenny Mini-Grant, Project Manager, 2015.
- The determination of neuromusculoskeletal changes causes falls and the investigation of effects of rehabilitation program preventing falls in older adults, $45.000, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Project Manager, 2005.
- Investigation of changes on upper extremity function related to aging, $ 4000, Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs, Project Manager, 2003.
- Technological Improvements on Prosthesis and Orthotics and Applications Based on Biomechanical Principles. $120,000 Government Planning Organization of Turkey, Project Researcher, 2001.