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Kathleen Hickey

Professor of English

B.A. – Queens College, CUNY
M.S. – Queens College, CUNY
Ed.D. – Teachers College, Columbia University

As an educator for 40 years, Professor Hickey has taught a variety of students, ranging from traditional-aged students to returning adults, both undergraduate and graduate students. Her research interests include reading and writing with special emphasis on “remedial” work at the college level. She was instrumental in revamping Dominican University’s Freshmen Writing Sequence to accelerate students with their remediation so they could swiftly proceed with their college careers.

Additional research interests span the gamut from at-risk students to multicultural aspects of literature. She is a member of NCTE—National Council of Teachers of English, the NYCLA—New York College Learning Association, and NADE—the National Association of Developmental Educators. Yearly, she judges The Global Undergraduate Awards, an international competition of undergraduate papers from around the world.  Additionally, each fall, she participates in the NCTE Day of Writing, submitting entries for their National Day of Writing.

Her outside interests include traveling, attending plays, reading, listening to all genres of music, and generally being active.

See Professor Hickey's Presentations and Publications

“Revamping a Developmental Program: Making Big Changes” in The English Record—New York State English Council.

“Working With Marginalized Students—Uncovering Some Assumptions.” National Association of Developmental Education

38th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention “Lovely, Lilting Voices: Contemporary Irish Women Poets’ Environs”

Bridging the Dominican Cultures at Dominican University Colloquium at Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan