BOCES representatives briefed College Department heads on the new BEST program. Shown here (from left to right) are Director of the Health Center Lynda Chesterman, Director of Food Services Anthony Longobardo, as well as Maureen Danizig and Dawn Kitz of BOCES.
Dominican College is teaming up with Rockland BOCES to prepare high school students with disabilities for the world of work. The new program is called BEST (Business Expertise for Student Transition and Training) and it will kick off in September 2016 with eight students.
College Director of Special Services Margaret Giuliano said the high school juniors and seniors in the program will be entering the workforce or going to college after graduation. “Through the partnership, they will be spending 1 ½ hours each day on our campus, experiencing real life job placement as interns and learning soft skills that are key to college and career success,” she said.
Rockland BOCES is providing a full-time teacher, teaching assistant and part-time coordinator to work with the students at the College and teach what are considered soft skills. “It could be interview skills, resume writing, social skills – how to dress on the job, how to speak to your co-workers, anything related to a job,” said Dawn Kitz, Transition Coordinator at BOCES.
During a recent Open House hosted by BOCES in the Badami Room, representatives of different College departments dropped by throughout the day to be briefed on the new program and to sign up to accept BEST students as interns in their departments.