Course# Title Credits Date
Criminal Justice
CJ 113 L2 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 October 21, 2014 to December 11, 2014
Communication Studies
CS 400 L2 Crisis Communication 3 October 21, 2014 to December 11, 2014
EN 113 L2 College Writing and Research 3 October 21, 2014 to December 11, 2014
MA 112 L2 Introduction to College Math 3 August 26, 2014 to December 11, 2014 (16 weeks)
PH 224 M L2 God and Medieval Mind 3 October 21, 2014 to December 11, 2014
PS 229 V L2 Psychology of Gender 3 October 21, 2014 to December 11, 2014