Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions for the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy

Graduate-level Prerequisite Courses

OT521 Introduction to Occupational Therapy Practice (3)

An introductory study of the historical and philosophical development of occupational therapy, roles and tasks of occupational therapy practitioners working in a variety of practice settings with diverse populations across the lifespan, and service delivery. Emphasis placed on occupation and co-occupation as core concepts, occupational therapy domain and process, client-centeredness, medical terminology, and professionalism. Co-requisite of OT532. Summer trimester only. Must earn a B to begin the professional curriculum in the Fall.

OT532 Kinesiology in OT Practice (6)

An introduction to human motion through the exploration of neuromuscular function, osteo- and arthro-kinematics.  Experiential laboratory learning provides illustrations of these concepts through the opportunity to develop proficiency in surface anatomy/palpation, goniometry, joint motion, manual muscle testing, posture and movement patterns related to occupational performance. A minimum course grade of B is required.  Prerequisites:  Physics 114 or 221; and acceptance into the graduate professional OT program.

Graduate Professional Sequence Courses

OT534 Tools of Practice (6)

A study of the tools of occupational therapy including the non-human environment, occupation-based and activity analysis, synthesis and gradation of activities, conscious use of self, and the teaching-learning process. Emphasis on application and process to build beginning skills for the therapeutic use of occupation and activities, integrating theoretical foundations with selection, performance, adaptation, and gradationfor a diversity of clinical situations.

OT536 Foundations of Occupational Therapy (3)

Theoretical constructsunderlying occupational performance and study of major occupational therapy models of practice. Examination of historical and current theoretical constructs, socio-political, cultural, and research perspectives and impact on theory development. A more in-depth examination of the profession’s domain and process with occupation as its core.  The role and contribution of an individual’s personalresources to the occupational therapy process including self-awareness, critical appraisal, and self-directed lifelong learning.

OT542 Childhood and OT Practice (6)

Occupation-based childhood practice process from screenings and evaluation to targeted outcomes.  Common pediatric diagnoses, typical/atypical development, childhood conceptual models and frames of reference, and childhood intervention sites. Issues related to family and culture are explored.  Childhood-specific advanced practice areas such as neonatal intensive care, pediatric feeding disorders, sensory processing, early intervention, and school-based practice are introduced. 

OT544  Clinical Conditions in Occupational Therapy Practice (3)

Significant disease entities of a physical, psychological, and social nature most often encountered by the practicing occupational therapist are examined, including the etiology, pathology, prognosis, and common non-OT interventions. Students develop an introductory understanding and analysis of the potential impact of the conditions upon the client’s occupational engagement and performance within various contexts and across the lifespan.

OT545 Professional Practice Skills 1 (6)

Begin to apply concepts of skilled observation, therapeutic use of self, critical thinking and emerging clinical reasoning, basic documentation of human behavior, and occupational performance across the lifespan.  The Occupational Therapy Practice Framework utilized to examine group dynamics and process, societal and cultural competence, and health and wellness principles of individuals, groups, and populations. 

OT643 Adolescence and OT Practice (6)

Understanding, illustrating, and demonstrating screening, evaluation, and intervention planning for the middle childhood to late adolescence period in relation tosupporting engagement in occupations.  An examination of behavioral and psychosocial factors emphasized for relevance/importance in the application of theories to meaningful occupational outcomes. 

OT653 Adulthood I (6)

First of two courses addressing the practice of occupational therapy with clients in the early- and middle-adulthood stages of the human lifespan. Beginning with concepts of health, wellness, and quality of life, moving to some of the most frequently encountered pathological conditions, students utilize a case-based approach to further their application of the full occupational therapy process across a variety of settings.

OT649 Management and Leadership in Occupational Therapy Practice (3)

Focus on principles, styles, roles, and tasks of leadership and management of occupational therapy services, including the ethical, legal, political, legislative, regulatory, business, and reimbursement topics. Emphasis placed on the importance of ongoing professional development to maintain currency in all areas of professional practice.  Covers the ethos, pathos, and logos of being an occupational therapist in today’s US healthcare “system.”

OT654 Adulthood II (6)

A continuation OT653 students expand on their knowledge and skills in the evaluation and treatment of clients in the early- and middle-adulthood stages of the human lifespan.  Students utilize a case-based approach to further their application of the full occupational therapy process across a variety of settings with a wide range of medical conditions, acute and chronic.

OT662  Fieldwork Level I Seminar (3)

An introductory study of the roles and tasks of the occupational therapist practicing in psychosocial and physical disabilities clinical and community-based settings. Two different settings, a minimum of six (6) full days for each experience (minimum total of 36 hours each), introduces students to the fieldwork experience, applying knowledge to practice and developing an understanding of the diverse needs of clients. Structured around academic assignments enabling students to integrate theoretical knowledge and the occupational therapy process with the range of clinical scenarios encountered in each placement.

OT664  Research in Occupational Therapy (3)

Presentation and understanding of types of scholarship related to the value of occupation to improve health and wellness of human lives. Examinationof methods of knowledge acquisition and creation in preparation for evidence-based practice. Introductory critical appraisal of quantitative and qualitative published research studies as related to occupational therapy evidence-based practice.  Overview of the required components that comprise research projects and criteria for publishing. Student-involved, faculty-mentoredresearch projects begun, including formulation of the introduction and methodology portions, in preparation for IRB submission, data collection, and analysis.

OT753 Maturity and OT Practice (6)

Assessment and intervention for the well and disabled older populations. Skills for evidence-based evaluation and intervention that support the older persons’ occupational engagement and participation practiced in laboratory assignments. Advocacy, caregiver health, health literacy, program development, and designing community-based health, well-being, and quality of life programs learned through diverse methods. 

OT754 Advanced Practice (3)

Overview and introduction to specialized and emerging health areas of OT practice to optimize knowledge and clinical reasoning skills. Lectures and labs integrating knowledge and skill acquisition relative to specialized and emerging practice are emphasized

OT756  Research Symposium (3)

Refinement of critical appraisal skills in evaluating qualityof evidence in published research studies for evidence-based practice. Completionof the collection and analysis of qualitative or quantitative data.  Students learn and apply knowledge of the final components of a research study, including results, discussion, conclusion, and abstract sections.  Data analysis techniques needed for quantitative and qualitative studies further explored and applied to moreadvanced critical appraisal of published works. Students complete the faculty-mentored research projects and prepare posters and proposals for submission to AOTA conference and/orpublishing.

OT764  Fieldwork Level II A (3)

OT765  Fieldwork Level II B (3)

Students apply understandingof occupation, professional practice, identity, and leadership during each of two (2) twelve-week (60 days), full-time fieldwork placements, for a total of 24 weeks of full-time Level II Fieldwork. Objectives focus on personaltransformation into a competent, compassionate, entry-level occupational therapist for a practice site by the completion of each experience.   Students are not permitted to work on a full-time basis while engaged in Level II Fieldwork.  Both experiences must be completedwithin one year of completion of the didactic coursework.