Campus Ministry

If you're called to serve or enjoy helping people - our Campus Ministry programs may be just for you.

Campus Ministry Offers:

Mass Services
St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish (Catholic Church) is within walking distance of campus. Please email Student Engagement if assistance is needed to determine their schedule and for more information on local parishes.

Campus Ministry Club
This club provides a friendly setting for students to socialize and enjoy themselves as they grow emotionally and spiritually. There are discussions, mutual support and prayer, service opportunities & more. Everyone is welcome! Contact the club directly at:

Dominican Young Adults

Dominican Young Adults is an organization for young adults to strengthen their faith, build friendships, and become a part of the larger Dominican family. Each chapter of DYA USA provides a different response to the needs of its location. Dominican University’s chapter is in collaboration with St. Thomas Aquinas College and meets approximately once per month.

Come to a meeting or click HERE to learn more! Catch the fire.

Contact Us!

Dana McStowe, Director of Community Engagement & Leadership Development
Phone: (848) 848-4122