Call for Abstracts for the 2018 Conference
Below is the procedure for submitting papers and posters:
- Cover sheet including:
a) Title
b) Name(s), phone & email addresses of all authors
c) University affiliation
d) Name, email & phone # of sponsoring faculty member(s)
e) Preference for poster OR paper presentation - 200 word (max) abstract in APA format
- Submit abstracts & cover sheet via email as MsWord attachments. Subject line must say “HVUP Conference”
Deadline for submitting abstracts is 9 a.m., Friday, April 13. Incomplete research will also be considered, but please indicate if data will be collected and analyzed by conference due date so we know if your presentation will be a literature review or a completed research project. Abstracts after deadline will be considered if space permits. Email for more information.
All abstracts must be sent as an email attachment in MsWord or text format to Kelly Johnson above. More information can also be found by clicking here.